Automate customer acquisition with PowerCurve Originations by harnessing data and analytics to improve performance
PowerCurve Customer Acquisition is our cloud-based platform for automated credit decisions
Convex is a no-code machine learning model development platform
Retain and grow the right customers for your business
Our end-to-end innovative solution for Business Intelligence
Experian experts help you develop and align your data management strategy with your key objectives
PowerCurve Collections is our AI- and ML-driven decisioning solution that helps determine the best recovery strategy
Forbearance will help you save time and minimise your operational effort
Experian offers a range of flexible data management services, delivered by experts
Analyse and profile your customers with PowerCurve Customer Management to understand existing relationships and risk exposure levels
Build the most consistent, accurate and holistic view of consumers with Aperture Data Studio
Experian experts help you create an accurate, holistic, and up-to-date view of your customers
Empower your fraud detection and prevention with our tools and services CrossCore and Fraudnet
Hunter is our application fraud prevention tool
Experian experts can help turn data challenges into data opportunities
Optimise your customer interaction, business objectives with organisational constraints and collections strategy
Comply with government regulations with our customised analytical solutions
Combine traditional and non-traditional data sources with machine learning
Ensure that outcomes of ML-models can be easily explained and understood by stakeholders or customers
With Convex, you can be sure of future-focused data science tools for modelling machine learning
Categorise transaction data to add value to your credit models
Aperture Data Studio ensures data quality and quickly profiles, standardises, cleanses, transforms, and enriches your data
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